SCP.26 - Terminable Misconduct

SCP.26 - Terminable Misconduct

Click here to access SCP.26 - Terminable Misconduct or view below.

Terminable Misconduct

There is no way to identify every possible violation of standards of conduct. The decision as to whether an employee's conduct violates the standards and the degree of discipline and termination of employment rests solely with the Company. The following is a partial list of the type of conduct that will not be tolerated:

     Adjusting or altering the documentation of another employee.

     Abusing a telephony system, if applicable.

     Falsification of documentation or misrepresenting information on Company records, including without limitation your employment application, client service records, and your timekeeping records (e.g., Sandata Connect Mobile App.).

     Possession of firearms, ammunition, explosives or other weapons within the workplace.

     Theft or removal of any of the Company property or the property of Clients from the premises without proper authorization.

     Misuse, destruction, or damage to any property of the Company, clients or employees.

     Falsification of personnel and Company records, including employment, disability, workers’ compensation or insurance.

     Engaging in sabotage.

     Provoking, instigating, or joining a fight during working hours or on work premises.

     Using abusive language, rudeness, threatening, aggressively arguing or fighting with clients, client representatives, employees, supervisors, managers, owners, or vendors.

     Exceeding a leave of absence without proper verification or giving false reasons for a leave of absence.

     Failure to return to work at the expiration of a leave of absence without proper verification of extension or without notifying the Manager of reasons for delay.

     Introduction, use of or possession of intoxicants or narcotic (except as prescribed by your physician) on work premises at any time, or being under the influence while on duty.

     Breaking confidentiality rules of the Company.

     Unauthorized use of the Company property, including cars, telephone and supplies.

     Using the Company material or equipment for unauthorized purpose or personal use.

     Unauthorized use or disclosure of protected health information.  

     Gambling or engaging in a lottery on work premises.

     Restricting or interfering with any other employee’s work performance.

     Sleeping during work hours unless during pre-approved “live-in” shifts.

     Leaving the workplace during work hours without permission.

     Being uncooperative or insubordinate with your Supervisor or Manager, or otherwise engaging in conduct that does not support the Company’s goals, objectives, or requirements.

     Being uncooperative or acting in bad faith with a Company investigation  

     Being habitually tardy or absent.

     No call, no show/s.

     Excessive mistakes due to carelessness.

     Smoking in designated restricted areas.

     Major violation of a Company safety rule, policy, procedure, or practice.  

     Creating or contributing to unsanitary or poor work environment conditions.

     Engaging in horseplay, running, throwing things or causing confusion by shouting in clients’ homes.

     Threatening, intimidating, coercing or interfering with the performance of employees on Company premises or in other workplace settings.


     Refusal to show personal identification at the request of any Supervisor or Manager or security personnel.

     Exceeding specified time for meals or rest periods.

     Distributing written or printed matter unrelated to work during working time or in working areas. Working time does not include authorized breaks and off-duty time; working areas do not include parking areas or public outdoor areas.

     Posting or removal of any matter from Company bulletin boards or Company property at any time without prior authorization.

     Failure to make scheduled pick-ups and deliveries to clients.

     Continued failure to observe general rules of hygiene or cleanliness after receiving verbal or written corrections from your supervisor or manager.

     Discourteous conduct or attitude toward clients, client representatives, employees, supervisors, managers, owners, or vendors.

     Violation of other Company rules or policies contained herein and/or as provided in writing by Management that the Company, in its sole discretion, determines is terminable misconduct.

     Accepting other employment or working for another employer while on a leave of absence.


Nothing in this section changes the current at-will nature of your employment and either party may always end the employment relationship at any time.


Nothing in these guidelines should be interpreted to prevent, interfere with or otherwise restrain an individual's legitimate exercise of his/her Section 7 activities regarding concerted activity under the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA). These guidelines do not prohibit an employee's right to have discussions or participate in concerted activities involving the terms and conditions of their employment.

Disciplinary Misconduct

A violation of any policy of the Company may result in disciplinary action being taken. Some examples of misconduct that may result in disciplinary action include, but are not limited to, the following:

     Tardiness; or more than three unscheduled absences from work in a rolling six month period

     Failing to follow a Supervisor’s or Manager’s direction for client care or client services  

     Minor violation of a safety rule, policy or procedure, or common safety practice, as determined by the Company

     Failure to promptly report any accident related to Company business or occurring on Company, vendor, or client property

     Failure to observe assigned working hours and schedules, including scheduled/required overtime

     Unsatisfactory work performance or inattention to job responsibilities

     Excessive personal telephone calls or attending to personal business on Company time

     Delaying or restricting client care or client services or inciting others to do so

     Failure to adhere to Company policies, practices and procedures

     Suspension or revocation of a license

     Failure to carry out assigned duties

Abuse of computer/internet
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