SCP.21 - Safety - General

SCP.21 - Safety - General

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Safety - General

General Employee Safety

The Company is committed to the safety and health of all employees and recognizes the need to comply with regulations governing injury, illness, and accident prevention and employee safety. Maintaining a safe work environment, however, requires the continuous cooperation of all employees.  An employee who fails to follow a Company safety rule, policy, or procedure will be subject to discipline up to and including immediate termination of employment.  


The Company will maintain safety and health practices consistent with the needs of our industry. If you are ever in doubt about how to safely perform a job, it is your responsibility to ask your Supervisor for assistance. Any suspected unsafe conditions and all injuries that occur on the job must be reported immediately. You may also report safety concerns or conditions anonymously by using the Company’s safety suggestion box at its office. Compliance with these safety rules is considered a condition of employment. Therefore, it is a requirement that each Supervisor and/or Manager make the safety of employees an integral part of her/his regular responsibilities. It is the responsibility of each employee to accept and follow established safety regulations and procedures.

Reporting Safety Issues

All accidents, injuries, potential safety hazards, safety suggestions and health and safety related issues must be reported immediately to your Supervisor or any Company Manager. If you or another employee is injured, you should contact outside emergency response agencies, if needed. If an injury does not require medical attention, an Incident Report must still be completed in case medical treatment is later needed and to ensure that any existing safety hazards are corrected. The Employee's Claim for Worker's Compensation Benefits Form must be completed in all cases in which an injury requiring medical attention has occurred.


Federal (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) and state laws require that we keep records of all illnesses and accidents that occur during the workday. The State Workers’ Compensation Act may also require that you report any workplace illness or injury, no matter how slight. If you fail to report an injury, you may jeopardize your right to collect workers' compensation payments as well as health benefits. Should you have any questions or concerns, contact your Manager (Supervisor) for more information.  You have the right to speak up regarding health and safety issues without the fear of retaliation.    If you believe you are being retaliated against for exercising your legal right to report health and safety issues, you should report this violation of Company policy to any one of the following management members:  your Supervisor; any Manager; or the Owner.  Supervisors and Managers must report violations of this policy immediately to the Owner.

Safety in Home Services

The following policies are required to be followed by all PCAs and HHAs who provide home services for clients.  


Infection Control and Universal Precaution Guidelines to Prevent Infections in the Home

  1. Effective hand washing is needed before and after any client contact or procedure.

  2. Gloves should be worn in situations of blood or body fluid handling, contact with mucous membranes or skin lesions.

  3. Any employee with a draining lesion or dermatitis should not give client care until the condition has cleared.

  4. Needles are not to be recapped and should be disposed of in a "sharps" container or equivalent by authorized staff.

  5. Surfaces or equipment contaminated with blood or other bodily fluids should be washed with soap and water then cleansed with a household bleach solution (one part bleach to nine parts water).

  6. Protective gowns/dress should be utilized in situations where contact with blood or body fluids are likely.

  7. Laundering in hot water is recommended.

  8. Disposable-type razors should be disposed of immediately.

  9. A thermometer should be used by the client only.

  10. Client interactions with those employees who have colds or other infectious diseases should be avoided whenever possible.

  11. Masks should be worn by the employee when cold/flu symptoms are present.

  12. Daily personal hygiene habits of the client should be encouraged.

  13. Client exposure to pets in the home should be limited.

  14. Tissues and soiled dressings should be discarded into a plastic-lined bag. This bag should be placed in another garbage bag and then into a garbage receptacle with a tight fitting lid, or incinerated according to local regulations for solid waste.

  15. Blood and body wastes can be carefully poured and flushed down toilets that are connected to sanitary sewage systems. In rural areas, consult your county health department.

  16. Employees will observe proper personal hygiene at all times. This includes bathing, brushing teeth, brushing and grooming hair and/or beards, and wearing clean/sanitary clothing.

  17. Employees will report suspected infectious disease to the office immediately upon onset of symptoms.

  18. Employees will not care for clients if they have signs of infection or have been diagnosed as being contagious.

  19. Employees will observe respiratory and contact isolation precautions for all clients through the following:

  1. Placing the client in the most private area of the home.

  2. Teaching the client to cover their mouth when coughing.

  3. Teaching the client to discard used tissues immediately after use.

  4. Teaching the client proper hand washing techniques and encouraging the client to wash hands after coughing and sneezing.

  5. Wearing a mask if coughing is uncontrolled or the client is unable to cover their mouth.

  6. Wearing gloves when touching exudates.

  7. Double bagging all client trash.

Exposure Control

Company will comply with OSHA standards and CDC recommendations regarding infection control. Potential infections and/or hazardous exposures may include but are not limited to: respiratory infections, tuberculosis, exposure to blood and/or bodily fluids, needle sticks, cuts, abrasions and other types of infections that place personnel and patients at risk.


Employees are required to utilize personal protection equipment (PPE) when providing care to patients with identified infections/diseases. The type of protective equipment selected should be appropriate for the task being performed. All patients, patient representatives/family will be educated during the initial visit and throughout their care as necessary on infection control measures. Employees will be educated on infection control and exposure during orientation and annually on infection control policies and procedures and their responsibilities for implementation. Evidence of training will be documented and kept in the employee’s personnel file.


Employees who have been exposed to or who exhibit signs and symptoms of potentially transmissible conditions that have responsibilities for patient care may be excluded from direct patient contact until they have obtained a physician clearance to return to work.


Employees who are known carriers of infections/diseases should be counseled about precautions to minimize their risk of infecting others and must strictly adhere to Standard Precautions at all times.


Following a report of an exposure incident, the Company will immediately make available to the exposed personnel a confidential medical evaluation and follow-up per doctor’s advice.

     Post-exposure follow-up testing, treatment and counseling will be provided at a Company identified clinic, when medically indicated, based upon recommendation from physician or qualified medical practitioner

     Any incident involving exposure will be recorded and available in compliance with OSHA


The following security considerations are offered to help maintain a secure workplace. Be aware of persons loitering for no apparent reason (e.g., in parking areas, walkways, entrance/exits and service areas). Promptly notify the office of any suspicious activities in or near your work environment for further guidance. If you believe harm seems imminent, move to safety and immediately call 911.


Do Not Bring Any Unauthorized Person Into the Client's Home

This includes children, spouses, friends, pets, family members, friends or other personal acquaintances, etc. Do not give out the client's telephone number and do not give the client (or their representatives) your personal telephone number. Instruct family and friends that in an emergency, they can reach you by contacting the Company office. IF YOU ARE CONTACTED BY A CLIENT, YOU MUST NOTIFY COMPANY OF ANY COMMUNICATION WITH CLIENT IMMEDIATELY.

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