Do’s and Don'ts of Home Care
➢ Be courteous and pleasant with clients at all times
➢ Look for ways to bring joy to your clients (positive attitude)
➢ Abide by the Agency Dress Code Policy: Clean professional attire | Well-fitting tops, cotton, khaki or dress pants | Athletic or closed toe dress shoes | No earbuds or headphones
➢ Agency issued ID Badge worn at all times while on duty
➢ Arrive 15- 20 minutes early when starting on a new case
➢ Contact the office when you are unable to arrive on time to your scheduled visit
➢ Report any unusual occurrences to the office immediately
➢ Always call the office immediately if the client does not answer the door for a scheduled visit. Failure to notify the office may be considered abandonment, especially if the client has had a medical emergency
➢ If an individual does not answer the office phone, try every 10 minutes for half an hour then contact 911
➢ Contact the on-call system after normal business hours: Follow Company policies for emergencies | Choose option for non-emergency situations, as applicable
➢ Follow your schedule at all times
➢ Discuss changes in your schedule with your supervisor/scheduler at least 24 hours prior to your scheduled shift: One no call no show may result in termination.
➢ Document the reason for call-offs or last minute schedule changes, if less than a 24 hour notice
➢ Interact with your scheduling coordinator weekly, especially if you are available to work but do not have scheduled visits
➢ Submit accurate and timely flowsheets. Disciplinary actions are determined by the Agency for missing, turned in improperly, or incorrect flowsheets
➢ Limit watching TV when there is down time; contact the office for instructions from a supervisor
➢ Behave in an unprofessional and inappropriate manner while performing client services. Behaviors such as verbal outbursts, foul language, abusive speech or actions, including harassment are unacceptable and may result in disciplinary actions.
➢ Note: None of the above prohibitions apply to the Rights or Actions you exercise under the National Labor Relations Act.
➢ Contact or discuss client issues with the family/client representative. Always notify the office first and the office will contact the family.
➢ Borrow money from a client for any reason or enter into any kind of financial/legal agreement.
➢ Act as a witness to or signee for any client matters
➢ Transport clients in the car unless you have a signed consent/authorization
➢ Smoke while on shift, even with the permission of the client
➢ Sleep while on an assigned shift. Exceptions are made if you are a live-in caregiver and may be based on Agency, state or federal requirements
➢ Use the client’s phone for personal calls. Client phones should only be used for Agency business purposes and for emergency use only
➢ Wash windows (except an occasional wipe down the window where the client commonly sits and looks out)
➢ Lift or move furniture | Scrub floors on hands and knees | Wash drapes or curtains
➢ Haul heavy trash barrels | Gardening, raking leaves, shoveling snow, climb ladders
➢ Wear earbuds or headphones