Work Related Injuries
In the event that you are injured while on assignment for the Company, and you are in need of medical attention, if possible you must notify the office immediately to obtain authorization to be seen at the Company’s designated clinic. Your supervisor will call the clinic to alert them of your arrival. If the injury occurs during the time the clinic is closed, is a serious or a life-threatening injury or illness, or the clinic site is determined to be inappropriate by the supervisor, you will be instructed to proceed to an alternate site.
All injuries must be reported promptly, and unauthorized medical treatment may not be accepted for payment or reimbursement. It is therefore very important to follow the Company’s policy for work related accidents. You will be required to fill out an "Incident Report" form within 24 hours. If you are injured during the Company’s office hours, if possible, you must notify the office prior to being seen at the clinic. In the case of a serious injury, the authorization for treatment may be given by supervisory staff over the phone to Emergency Room personnel. In the event of injury after office hours, authorization may also be given over the phone by the on-call personnel.