Transportation to Work. You must provide your own transportation to and from work. Your employment may be terminated if you do not have reliable transportation to and from work.
Transportation of Clients. Use of employee or client's vehicle to transport clients to do errands is done only with prior authorization from the Company and only after the proper documentation is on file in the office. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHOULD YOU TRANSPORT A COMFORCARE CLIENT IN YOUR VEHICLE OR IN THE CLIENT'S VEHICLE WITHOUT COMPLETING THE ESSENTIAL DOCUMENTATION AND RECEIVING PRIOR AUTHORIZATION FROM THE COMPANY. IF YOU ARE AUTHORIZED TO TRANSPORT CLIENTS IN YOUR VEHICLE, YOU MUST MAINTAIN AUTO INSURANCE AND A VALID DRIVER’S LICENSE. You must always notify the office prior to taking the client out of the home to appointments, etc. All employees need to remain in the client's home for the scheduled time unless approval has been given by the office to leave the shift early. The Company must know where you and the client are at all times.